Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gingerbread Houses and a new baby

Once again we made gingerbread houses.
It is more fun to do it with some one so
 we invited a cousin's daughter to bring her children.
 It was fun to watch them,  
They knew just want they wanted to do and
mom and grandma helped make their ideas a reality

Here is the Brandt Family with their finished product.  I
hope they had a good time.  We sure did.  
Thanks Jake and Ashley.  

Stacy and Tyler couldn't decide how to do their house.
So they decided to turn it into a duplex and each 
decorate their own side.  Good thinking. 

Looks good and they had fun creating to their
hearts content. 

On December 3 at 12:06 p.m. a new baby arrived.
Aaron and Stephanie's little Bridget was born in Logan
Grandpa and I couldn't get their fast enough.
Weird to think of ourselves as grandparents, but we sure love this
little one.  I was amazed at the feelings of love I had for
her as she was placed in my arms for the first time.
I believe I am going to enjoy this next phase of my life.


  1. Congratulations again on Beautiful Bridget! You guys are going to make fabulous grandparents!

    And I love the gingerbread houses. Such a fun tradition. The duplex idea was a great one!

  2. Congratulations! Nothing like a sweet little gift from heaven.
    Your ginger bread homes are adorable.
    Happy day
