Saturday, June 1, 2013

Getting Ready part 2

As I look back the last month has flown by.  Can't believe it is already June.  In just a few days, Michael will be entering the Missionary Training Center.  While there he will prepare to serve a mission in Sydney Australia.  His preparation will last about 9 weeks as he learns the Cantonese language.  He is really excited and feels that the time is dragging.  I, on the other hand,  feel that time is going way to fast.  Here are a few picture of the last couple of weeks while preparing to leave.

On May 4 Michael was able to attend the Provo Temple
for the first time.  It was a wonderful experience for him.
Many family members where able to attend with him.
We are grateful for their support in helping Michael prepare to 
serve as a missionary.  

Attended the Salt Lake Temple with his brothers and their wives.
Great Day!!!

Getting all those shirts ready, 

Putting his initials on each one. 
There will probably be a lot of white 
shirts in the laundry room at the MTC.

Washed and ready to go.

Was able to attend the Manti Temple and 
stopped in Mt. Pleasant to say good bye to Grandpa.  

A goal he set for himself about 19 years ago is about 
to begin.  He can't wait to be called 
Elder Bartholomew.

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