Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Two New Eagle Scouts

On July 22, 2012,  Michael and Tyler were presented with their Eagle Scout Rank Advancement.  We are proud of them.  Here are a few pictures from their court of honor.  We were pleased so many members of our family came.  They are a tremendous support to us and we are blessed to have such a great family.  

Tyler and Michael

Michael being presented with his Eagle Scout Award

The Official Pinning of the award by mom.

Michael chose his Grandpa Bartholomew to give his mentor pin to. 
It has been a good experiences to live close to grandparents who
influences our lives.

Tyler being presented with his Eagle Award

The official pinning of the award by mom.  
(Lucky me--two in one day)

Tyler chose to give his Grandpa Anderson 
the mentor pin.  Both boys are lucky to have such 
good men in their lives as they strive to become 
worthy priesthood holders who will one 
day  be missionaries, husbands, and fathers. 
They have good role models in their lives.

Tyler and Michael 

Michael, Grandpa Anderson, and Tyler

4 Eagle Scout brothers and  their dad. 
Dad was the one who worked hard to help
the boys complete their Leadership Projects.  


  1. What an accomplishment for your boys and their parents!

  2. Way to go guys. So glad we made it back into the state in time to be a part of this great accomplishment.

  3. Congratulations! That is so awesome! I love how they both gave mentor pins to both Grandpas. What a great day!
